Mid section of pregnant woman standing with sticky notes on her stomach in office

Hi, we are Holly and Claudia

For over four decades, our mother-daughter duo has been devoted to empowering babies and helping them live their best lives. We have spent the last two decades dedicating our time and energy to fostering and adopting children. Now we are introducing a groundbreaking tool for expectant mothers which, when combined with ultrasound pictures, will bring the existence of her unborn baby to life for a mother with questions or reservations. This creation (25 years in the making) is a symbol of our desire that no babies are left without an opportunity for a bright, life-filled future.

Here’s How We Help

We give each mother a special way to connect with her baby even before birth. These cards contain gentle whispers from her baby, bridging the gap between mama and baby. They remind her that even before baby makes its grand entrance into the world, her baby is alive, vibrant and responding to her.


Collaborating with Agencies


Public Speaking


Community Outreach

Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/connectingwithyourbaby

“Once I saw these cards, I knew I would have made a different choice with my unborn baby. I only wish they had been available back when I needed them..”

- Angela -

"I was brought to tears as I read these and wish I had had these available when I was pregnant with my children."

- Marjorie -

Do you oversee an organization working with expectant moms?

We would love to share our ideas with you and come along side you while you work in the front lines of saving the lives of the preborn. Contact information is above.

At this time the cards are available only to agencies across the United States, Canada and the UK.